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Local Organising Committee
Mark Mayo

Mark Mayo


Natkunam Ketheesan

Natkunam Ketheesan

Jessica Webb

Jessica Webb

Celeste Woerle

Celeste Woerle

Rebecca Forrest

Rebecca Forrest

Events and Conference Organiser

Angelica Tan

Angelica Tan

Jayde Hopkins

Jayde Hopkins

Kelly McCrory

Kelly McCrory

International Scientific Committee
Filter by country
Alfredo Torres

Alfredo Torres

Claire Chewapreecha

Claire Chewapreecha

Ella Meumann

Ella Meumann

Jay Gee

Jay Gee

Mitali Sarkar-Tyson

Mitali Sarkar-Tyson

Saika Farook

Saika Farook

Tonnii Sia

Tonnii Sia

Bart Currie

Bart Currie


David Dance

David Dance

Emma Birnie

Emma Birnie

Joost Wiersinga

Joost Wiersinga

Prasanta Mohapatra

Prasanta Mohapatra

Simon Smith

Simon Smith

Trinh Thanh Trung

Trinh Thanh Trung

Carina Hall

Carina Hall

David Wagner

David Wagner

Enoka Corea

Enoka Corea

Josh Hanson

Josh Hanson

Rabbi Chowdhury

Rabbi Chowdhury

Siobhán McClean

Siobhán McClean

Vanaporn Wuthiekanun

Vanaporn Wuthiekanun

Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay

Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay

Direk Limmathurotsakul

Direk Limmathurotsakul

Ivo Steinmetz

Ivo Steinmetz

Mirjam Kaestli

Mirjam Kaestli

Robert Norton

Robert Norton

Susie Dunachie

Susie Dunachie

Vicki Krause

Vicki Krause

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