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We encourage you to submit an abstract for the 10th World Melioidosis Congress 2024.

Abstracts can be submitted for either poster presentation only or for consideration of oral presentation with poster presentation for those not selected for oral presentation.


Abstracts will be considered which cover any of the scientific session topics as listed below. Abstracts will also be considered which cover other aspects of melioidosis and Burkholderia spp., including glanders, disease in animals and near-neighbor species.


Posters will be prominently displayed for viewing and discussion over the full 3 days.


Selected best posters will be briefly presented in the final session with a poster prize.


Congress Scientific Sessions:

  • Global epidemiology

  • Immunology and risk factors

  • Virulence and pathogenesis

  • Clinical

  • Diagnosis

  • Treatment

  • Burkholderia pseudomallei and the environment

  • Vaccines

  • Public health

Abstract submission deadline:
Wednesday 31st July 2024
Saturday 31st August 2024
Instructions for abstract format
  • All text: Times New Roman, font size 12

  • Title (in bold)

  • Author list: Surname, First name; Surname, First name

  • Institution & country of presenting author

  • Freeform abstract text, subheadings optional (no more than 250 words)

Abstract example
Example of an Abstract

Submit your abstract

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Thanks for your submission. The WMC Committee will be in touch to confirm receipt.

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